BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//DIGITAL FACTORY//EVENTS MAKER V1.6.14//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20220329 UID:66a45b2b711f8 DTSTAMP:20240727T022755Z CATEGORIES:Thermo LOCATION:Rostock Joachim-Jungius-Str. 9, Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 18059, DE ORGANIZER;CN=Dr.-Ing. Johann Turnow:MAILTO: DESCRIPTION:[wbcr_text_snippet id="1763"] Goal of the training The training is limited to 4 participants. The goal of the training is to discuss the basics of thermal simulation and to set up and calculate your task in the training using OpenFOAM. This way\, besides the basics\, a simulation setup for your task will be created\, so that you can continue with your project afterwards and have a contact person. Content 1. Basics Introduction / Basics of numerical flow simulation with heat transfer with CFD Configuration OpenFOAM Environment / Overview of Features Basic knowledge of numerical heat transfer Avoidance of errors in simulation setup Best Practice Guidelines in OpenFOAM2. Grundlegende Bausteine 2. Building Blocks Code structure Error analysis of the numerical simulation Runtime Analysis Mechanism Evaluation of results / evaluation of integral characteristic values Estimation / error estimation of the results 3. Heat Transfer Overview of boundary conditions for heat transfer in OpenFOAM Understanding the source code / solver procedures / tools Application OpenFOAM Syntax Tutorial: Application and Implementation of the Energy Equation in OpenFOAM 4. Heat Conduction Concept\, solution algorithm Numerical error analysis Variation of material properties Tutorial: Heat conduction with different materials and heat sources 5. Konvection Available solver / classification Turbulence models Influence of the Prandtl number Grid analysis/evaluation Compressible / incompressible flows Buoyancy currents Variation of the boundary conditions Wall functions for heat transfer Simulation speed up Best practice guides Practical application with examples for free / forced convection Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) porous media Plate heat exchangers 6. Heat radiation Simulation of thermal radiation in OpenFOAM Overview of the radiation models (ViewFactor\, FvDOM\, P1) Solar radiation / reflection Settings and Setup in OpenFOAM 7. Questions from the participants  \; Upcoming Events of the course [em-events number_of_events=5 categories=113 disable_pagination=1 style=widget] [wbcr_text_snippet id="1766"] URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:OpenFOAM Thermal Engineering DTSTART:20220327 RDATE:20220328T000000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR