BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//DIGITAL FACTORY//EVENTS MAKER V1.6.14//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20200331T150000Z UID:672897e534e0e DTSTAMP:20241104T094613Z CATEGORIES:Propeller_Turbo LOCATION:Rostock Joachim-Jungius-Str. 9, Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 18059, DE ORGANIZER;CN=Dr.-Ing. Hannes Kröger:MAILTO: DESCRIPTION:[wbcr_text_snippet id="1763"] Contents The course covers the use of OpenFOAM especially for the calculation of turbomachinery such as propellers\, axial pumps or centrifugal pumps. In addition to the theoretical basics\, best practice guidelines for the selection of numerical settings are taught. Another major topic is networking with open source tools. The knowledge is consolidated with examples. [caption id="attachment_1815" align="alignleft" width="272"] Propeller (PPTC testcase)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1812" align="alignleft" width="247"] ERCOFTAC centrifugal pump[/caption] The topics in detail: Introduction and modelling concepts Frames of reference: MRF / SRF Moving meshes Overview of features of OpenFOAM GGI/AMI interface BCs Solvers (SRF / MRF / *DyM*) Meshing Grid types\, convergence properties Structured vs. unstructured meshes Strategies for meshing turbomachinery geometries with snappyHexMesh Simulation setup and boundary conditions Best practice setup for schemes and solver settings Setup for stationary simulations in the rotating reference system Setup for simulations with moving meshes Postprocessing of turbomachinery simulations OpenFOAM tools for extraction of results Paraview Concept Commonly used filters Advanced usage of Paraview: relative velocities\, cylinder slices\, python filter\, ... Advanced topics Cavitation Accompanying tutorials Ducted propeller Centrifugal pump Preparing\, meshing and simulating in each case Reference results are available for comparison  \; [wbcr_text_snippet id="1766"] URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:OpenFOAM Turbomachinery and Propellers DTSTART:20200330T070000Z RDATE:20200330T090000Z RDATE:20200414T090000Z RDATE:20200429T090000Z RDATE:20200525T090000Z RDATE:20200702T090000Z RDATE:20200813T090000Z RDATE:20200924T090000Z RDATE:20201105T090000Z RDATE:20201217T090000Z RDATE:20210114T090000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR