BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//DIGITAL FACTORY//EVENTS MAKER V1.6.14//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20220201 UID:66a45bb0c3672 DTSTAMP:20240727T023008Z CATEGORIES:OF_Intro LOCATION:Rostock Joachim-Jungius-Str. 9, Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 18059, DE ORGANIZER;CN=Dr. rer. nat. Thorsten Grahs:MAILTO: DESCRIPTION:[wbcr_text_snippet id="1763"] This course is aimed at beginners in the OpenFOAM software for performing CFD simulations. The aim is to gain a broad overview of the software's capabilities and the basics of its application. At the end of the course the participants are able to set up and evaluate calculation cases independently. Content 1. Basics Getting Started / Overview of OpenFOAM Philosophy / History of Software Linux / Windows Installation Installation from SourceCode Top-level code 2. Simulation Setup Structure of simulations / OpenFOAM cases Preprocessing / PostProcessing Tools in OpenFOAM Execution of own applications Visualization with Paraview 3. Net Generation blockMesh - Generation of Block Structured Grids Parameterization of block-structured grids using *.m4 script Geometry import / creation of STL files Advanced unstructured meshes - snappyHexMesh Settings snappyHexMesh Creation of prism layers 4. Solver Settings Finite volume schemes Scheme orders and stability Application of different schemes for time and space interpolation Solver tweaking Pressure correction methods best practice guidelines (PISO/PIMPLE/SIMPLE) 5. Simulation Setup Initial and boundary conditions Turbulence modelling (RANS/LES/DES) HPC / Cloud Postprocessing in Paraview / Animations Basic features of complex simulations\, e.g. Free water surface mesh refinement Handling complex geometries external aerodynamics heat transfer etc. Control/automation of simulations by means of python 6. Evaluation Postprocessing using Paraview Application of the OpenFOAM Tools e.g. postProcess Creation of functionObjects Programming of own evaluation procedures / tools 7. Questions from the participants  \; [wbcr_text_snippet id="1766"] URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:OpenFOAM Introduction DTSTART:20220130 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR